whew, it has been a crazy winter/spring and now we're back in blogger biz. The highs and lows: Trey's dad's mother - Grandma "Mawmaw" - passed away on Christmas Day and is now in Heaven with our Savior. We were thankful to be with Trey's parents in Fort Worth when James got the news.
For New Years, Trey and I traveled to Durango, CO for a little R&R - we skied a little, went sledding and made lots of yummy meals with friends.
In February we found out from our property manager (on the house we were renting in Franklin, TN) that he wanted to put the house on the market a month and a half earlier than planned and it began a house-showing marathon for Trey and I. We had to keep the house in tip-top shape for the 30 plus showings... Meanwhile, Trey and I searched for a home to rent or buy once our lease was up in May 2011. It is a really cool, LONG story of how God brought us to a particular property in Nashville that we ended up buying May 4th! We love it and it already feels like home - even though the first 3 weeks of living there we were bunked up in the garage while we finished repairs, painting, electrical and 1.5 bathroom remodels with some help from 2 hardworking gentleman Trey hired. I'll post more on the house later... From the end of January until the beginning of April we had a few friends come visit - it was such a blessing to spend quality time with Fort Worth friends in Nashville!
In March we went back to Texas for a weekend to visit my mom's parents. My parents brought them back to Texas, from California to take care of Granddaddy since his health was declining) We returned to Texas the last weekend in April to see them again and a day later, May 2nd, Granddaddy went to be with the Lord. My mom had planned an amazing memorial "Home Going" service for the following weekend. We miss Granddaddy but are so thankful for God's incredible promise of eternal life with Him.
When we returned to TN from the service in Texas we immediately moved into the garage of our new place. Because we ended up sleeping there, surrounded by boxes, spiders and other critters, we affectionately named the garage "The Hole" and since moving into the actual house, refer to it as such. "Where's that box of cd's?" "Oh, I put it in the back left corner of the Hole, wedged between despair and patience." :) haha, needless to say, it was quite an adventure in itself.
Hmm, that was the personal side of our spring - but in the next post I will share the business side!
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